Sunday, February 26, 2017

A few more pics from the House of Lords...

Here are a few more pics from the House of Lords event that Charlie spoke at - one taken mid-speech; one with Pete in one of the committee rooms at the Lords; one of Chas post-speech; and another with all the other kids who were involved in making the film and Baroness Massey who hosted the event. Unfortunately Baroness Howarth of Breckland - or Valerie, as we know her better (she's patron of Little Hearts Matter) was unwell, and unable to host the event as planned, so everyone was very grateful to Baroness Massey for stepping in at the last minute.
Am still pretty impressed that our boy has spoken at such a prestigious venue, but as per norm, Charlie's taken it all in his stride, and is now preparing for his next public speaking engagement at the medical conference in June. (Although he's in two shows as before then as well!)
Life is full, but life is good.

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